Preventing unfair competition

An act of unfair competition is an action contrary to the law or morality, if it threatens or prejudices the interests of another business or the client.

Acts of unfair competition in, particular: a misleading designation of a company, a false or fraudulent designation of the geographical origin of goods or services, a misleading designation of goods or services, a violation of business secrets, incitement to terminate or breach of a contract, imitation of products, imputation or unfair praise, hindering access to the market, bribery of a person holding a public office, as well as unfair or prohibited advertising, pyramid selling schemes and organization or carrying out business in a consortium system.

The firm provides services, in, among other things:

  • protection against acts of unfair competition
  • preventing unfair competition
  • pursuing rights in cases of acts of unfair competition
  • negotiations
  • expertise and legal advice